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How to change Aliyun Login Name?
The Aliyun Login Name is the account name used to log in and authenticate on the Aliyun platform. It is created when you register for an Aliyun account. The username needs to be at least 8 characters long and can use letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, but special characters and spaces are not allowed.
The Aliyun Login Name is different from AccessKey. The Aliyun Login Name is used to log in to the Aliyun console and manage Aliyun resources. AccessKey is a pair of public and private keys issued by Aliyun for authorization and authentication when calling Aliyun APIs in code. AccessKey has high sensitivity and cannot be exposed directly in the code or script.
The Aliyun Login Name can be changed through the Aliyun console. On the "Personal Account Information" page, click "Edit Personal Information" to enter the modification page. On the "Modify Information" page, you can modify your username and other personal information. Note that when changing the username, make sure the new username is not already taken.
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